D-et® is a registered trademark of delicious and safe virtually no-calorie sweetener.
D-et® is a new sweetener made of SUCRALOSE as the main sweetening agent.
- Sucralose is the only no-calorie sweetener made from sugar and is converted into an indigestible form.
- Sucralose then has a pleasant sweet taste with no bitter aftertaste.
- Sucralose is approved for human consumption by WHO, FAO,
and FDA in more than 60 countries.
- Sucralose, an easily-soluble white crystalline powder, can be cooked at high temperature.
- Sucralose is suitable for health-conscious, calorie-conscious, and diabetics.
- It does not generate tooth decay.
D-et® is a blend of sucralose and erythritol.
D-et® thus
- is Sugar-Free and suitable for people with diabetes,
- is extreamly LOW-Carb (less than 0.04 g carb-count/serving),
- is virtually 0 Kcalroies (less than 0.18 Kcal/serving),
- has superior taste to any other kinds of sweeteners you have ever used, and
- stays sweet during cooking.
D-et ®
Unlike those ordinary blends filled up with flour, starches, dextose, maltodextrin, or even sugar,
D-et® is a blend of Sucralose and Erythritol.
Sweetened with the sucralose, D-et® then
- tastes like sugar, and
- can be cooked at high temperature.
Filled up with the erythritol, D-et® thus has
- NO sugar
- superior taste,
- virtually zero calories, and
- truely low-carb (less than 0.04g carb-count per sachet)
D-et® is available in 3 types of packing.
Certificate of Free Sale
Visitor Counter since 7/4/2006
U-Sing Co.,Ltd. 136/10, Soi Bangkhunnon20, Bangkhunnon, Bangkoknoi, Bangkok 10700 THAILAND
Phone: +66-2433-7317 Fax: +66-2433-7316
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